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5 Wonderful Ways to Have a More Productive Work Day
Bob Cote
July 30, 2020

US employees are not working as efficiently as they once were. With many employees still working from home due to the pandemic, there's been a 14% drop in productivity.
You start each day with big plans to be efficient at your work but find yourself getting easily distracted. What can you do to improve your efficiency and stop procrastinating?
Are you looking for ways to have a more productive workday? If that's the case, you're not the only one. Keep reading this guide and you'll be on your way to increasing your work productivity.
1. No More Multi-Tasking
Rather than trying to get every task completed by multi-tasking, try focusing on and completing one thing at a time. Block out distractions until you have finished the task at hand.
Get a browser add-on that helps you stay focused and off social media and other sites.
2. Play Hard to Get
Do not answer phone calls or texts during your workday. Isolate yourself like it's 1985 and you're unreachable at work.
Don't be rude, but try not to engage with coworkers who want to tell you about what their dog did this morning or what their 2-year-old is up to these days. If it's not work-related, it needs to wait until later.
If you're working at home, set up an office and treat it as if you're going to work.
3. Check Messages on a Schedule
We all do it...we go to check emails and get sucked into looking at every email in the inbox whether it's related to work or not. Set one or two scheduled times a day to check email. Stick to this schedule unless you're waiting for something important that you need in order to complete a work assignment.
A good rule of thumb is to check email after you've worked for a couple of hours and have some accomplishments under your belt. Check again about an hour before you leave or end work for the day.
4. Prioritize
Make a to-do list with your top priorities first. If something new comes up that you have to complete before some of the others, revise your list but keep the earliest deadlines at the top.
Having a visual of your upcoming tasks helps you stay the course.
5. Start Work Earlier
Begin your day when there are fewer distractions. Do you ever go into work a couple of hours before everyone else? It's amazing how much more you can do when you're the only one there.
If you're working from home, get up before everyone else to have some quiet work time.
A More Productive Work Day
Now that you know some ways to have a more productive workday, you'll feel more accomplished at the end of the day. Do you know who can help your company become more efficient?
SubItUp software is an employee scheduling platform that enhances the accountability and efficiency of various types of industries. Our cloud-based management tool can be tailored to meet your company's needs. Contact us today to see what we can do for your business.