
Advice for Switching to the Right Employee Management Software

Written by Zach Watson | Mar 14, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Your team is looking for a robust workforce management tool, not just scheduling software. That means you're on the prowl for what is known within the industry as "employee management software." This type of software provides you with critical insights into your workforce, making it much simpler to plan and manage work hours.

You know a new software will make it much more feasible to control your labor budget, keep your scheduling manager happy, stop your team members from being burnt out, and increase productivity across the company. All of this sounds great, but it also sounds like quite an undertaking to not only find a new software but actually implement it. If you're worried that you're stretched so thin you simply don't have the bandwidth to make a big change, you're not alone—but you are selling yourself short.

What to Look for in a New Employee Management Software

As we've written about in the past, your new employee management system should offer several key features, including:

  • Time and attendance management
  • Shift scheduling
  • Absence and leave management
  • Employee database for Human Resources
  • Employee self-service portal
  • Flexibility to scale and expand
  • Certification and training management
  • COVID-19 protocol management

You have a unique company and you need a product that meets all of your niche wants and needs. Don't allow yourself to get shoehorned into a product that isn't right for you, your team, or your industry. Once you find the software you're looking for it, it's time to enter a very exciting transition period at your company.

How to Make the Switch

Migrating your organization to a new software platform may involve a few challenges, from resistance to change, to overcoming a steep learning curve, to simply feeling as if you're too busy to take on something new. Don't let this doubt stop you from doing what is best in the short- and long-term for your company. It isn't impossible to lead your team through a successful transition if you follow a few pieces of expert advice. Our team encourages you to pay special attention to these tips:

Plan out the Migration Ahead of Time

Switching to any type of new software within your company will only be as successful as the plans you put in place ahead of time. Your plan should include the technical implementation of the software, how and when the existing software will be sunset, as well as training your team to be as productive on the new platform as possible, as early as possible. Pay special attention to the mitigation plan for the impact to existing users and risks to be watched out for at specific times.

Let's say the clock-in protocol will be different. You'll want to go over the new procedure with the team, let them know exactly when it will be happening, and be on-call for any hiccups the first week, especially. The last thing you want to do is have your team walk in on a Monday morning to an entirely new way to start with their day, with no prior warning or training.

To some team members, changes may seem like they are making one's job more difficult—when in fact, the opposite is true. Experts tell us to give the team about a month to fully transition. They need time to figure out how the new platform caters to their needs as well as to your business' overarching objectives.

Prioritize Clear Communication

A lack of clear, concise communication about a new software rollout leaves employees feeling in the dark. When they're confused and upset, they're also less willing to accept change.

To overcome this potential roadblock, create a project communication plan ahead of time. Your transition documentation should lay out all phases of the project, and make sure all team members are kept fully up-to-date on timing and expectations. Be available to answer questions, and have your answers ready ahead of time, so there's no struggle to respond. You may even decide to produce a few helpful how-to videos. You know your team better than anyone else, so you're the perfect person to know how to best communicate this new information with them.

Boost Their Spirits

It's human nature to resist change. You know what a great change this will be for your company, but does everyone else? Surprisingly, far too many companies fail to sufficiently explain to their team members why the new software is being put in place, and what pain points it's going to solve.

The key is to broadcast the announcement of the change as something that they should look forward to. This new software is for their benefit! You want them to look forward to and even bet excited about the migration to a better management system, not feel like it's something being imposed on them.

It may be helpful to go over the benefits they can expect post-implementation. They can look forward to:

  • Fewer scheduling errors that lead to unexpected shift changes after they've already made plans.
  • No longer having to worry about accidentally being scheduled for more than 40 hours.
  • Easily switching shifts with another team member, simply by using their phone.

All of these are benefits they're sure to enjoy if they're properly told about them. Don't assume just because you understand the positive impacts the software system will have that everyone else does too!

Let SubItUp Make the Transition Period Easy for You!

When you're working with the right company and moving towards using the best employee management system, the transition is not as painful as you may fear. Yes, this is true even if you have a large organization with multiple departments!

Here at SubItUp, we love solving complex problems for companies who need our help. We won't sell you a software and leave you to figure it out on your own. Our goal is to have you using your new system to the best of its ability, which means sticking by your side and ensuring your team is comfortable and confident.

We look forward to being able to help you transition away from a software that doesn't do everything you need it to, to something much more aligned with your daily needs. If you want to learn more about how an employee management software works and start improving your processes, contact us today.