Staff Scheduling Blog

Employee Scheduling News, Tips & Tricks.

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8 min read | February 17, 2023

How to Keep Your Best Employees During Tough Economic Times

We may or may not be in a recession right now, or were in one earlier this year, or may still be headed for one – but one thing is certain and that is the economy is struggling. This means your...
8 min read | February 17, 2023

How to Help Your Employees Feel More Financially Secure

An employee who is stressed is an employee who probably isn’t focusing 100% on their job — and finances are a major source of stress for many people. This is why the financial situation of your team...
7 min read | February 17, 2023

How to Know What Your Employees Really Feel About Their Compensation

Inflation has hit American families hard over the past few years. We’ve gotten some good news lately, but there’s still a long way to go until many people feel that everyday essentials are...
9 min read | February 17, 2023

Higher Ed Tips: Improving Employee Engagement With Your Tech Stack

SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, recently said “Businesses around the world are failing miserably at creating an engaged workforce.” Recent surveys and Gallup data show that the need...
6 min read | February 17, 2023

Make 2023 the Year You Embrace AI and Analytics in Your Employee Management Efforts

A new year is well under way. What changes have you made around your company or department for 2023? Hopefully, you have a pretty good answer to that question. If not, it’s time to take a step back...
6 min read | February 17, 2023

Employee Recognition Programs: Which Ones Really Work?

In generations past, it probably wouldn’t have occurred to a manager that part of his job was to make sure his employees felt good about themselves. “They’re here to work!” an old fashioned boss...
6 min read | February 17, 2023

Save Money in the New Year With the Best Employee Scheduling Software

It may seem hard to believe, but a new year has come again! In January, millions upon millions of people across the world set goals for themself on areas they’d like to improve. No doubt, you’ve...
6 min read | February 17, 2023

How You Can Boost Employee Engagement (and Save Money!) by Giving Individual Attention

Running your organization efficiently means paying attention to your bottom line. Going over budget simply isn’t an option. Because of this focus on finances, it’s easy to let less tangible metrics...
7 min read | February 17, 2023

The Negative Impacts of Scheduling with Excel

Many organizations, from higher education institutions to community recreation centers, need to schedule employees for shift work. The scheduling process can get complicated and it isn’t always...
6 min read | February 17, 2023

How to Make an Impact at Your Organization and Give Your Employees a Voice

Whether you’re in higher education, recreation, or a number of other industries, you want your employees to be as engaged as possible. Engaged employees do their jobs better and care more. How can...
6 min read | February 17, 2023

Announcing the New SubitUp Employee Reviews Tool!

We’ve been around for a while, helping big names like Arizona State University, smaller organizations like Sun Country Sports Center®, and countless others in between to create smarter schedules more...
7 min read | February 17, 2023

How Purdue and SubitUp Partnered Together to Achieve Work/Life Harmony for Their Professional Staff

For managers all across the country, their daily lives are anything but “harmonious”. In fact, the managers at your organization may see a word like that and chuckle, thinking it’s an impossible...
8 min read | February 17, 2023

The Top 3 Trends Shaping Employee Scheduling in 2023 (and How You Can Adapt!)

The past few years have seen disruptive changes in our society. The result of a pandemic, economic troubles, and societal tension have been cataclysmic shifts in the way people want to work. Many of...
6 min read | November 21, 2022

How You Can Boost Employee Engagement

Running your organization efficiently means paying attention to your bottom line. Going over budget simply isn't an option. Because of this focus on finances, it's easy to let less tangible metrics...
5 min read | February 17, 2022

How to Ease the Pain of Healthcare Staffing

With the third year of COVID-19 beginning, hospitals and other healthcare offices continue to struggle with a labor shortage that industry experts, executives, and analysts don’t expect will...
5 min read | August 1, 2020

Do Electronic Time Clocks Help Decrease Labor Costs?

One of the biggest problems for a manager is keeping labor costs under control. Every year, time tracking errors result in lost revenue due to time spent resolving them or the costs of failing to do...
3 min read | July 30, 2020

5 Wonderful Ways to Have a More Productive Work Day

US employees are not working as efficiently as they once were. With many employees still working from home due to the pandemic, there's been a 14% drop in productivity.
3 min read | July 27, 2020

What Is Workforce Management?

You're constantly seeking new ways to run your business more effectively. So, you're laser focused on getting important tasks done across the board.
3 min read | July 3, 2020

5 Tremendous Benefits of Automated Schedule Creation for Your Business

Are you still wasting your business's time with manual scheduling?
6 min read | July 1, 2020

How to Automate Workforce Management With an Automated Scheduling Tool

Respecting your employees' time by enabling a great work/life balance is an integral part of running a successful business.
3 min read | June 22, 2020

The Night Watch: How to Survive Working the Night Shift (Tonight!)

Starting a new job can be exciting yet nerve-wracking. You'll be facing new challenges and getting to know new co-workers.
7 min read | April 20, 2020

Event Planning 101: 7 Tips To Make Planning Your Next Event a Breeze

Whether you've been charged with scheduling a frisbee tournament, a concert, a wedding reception, an academic conference, or a fundraiser - you're virtually guaranteed to face countless headaches....
6 min read | November 16, 2017

8 Must Follow Steps for Effective Employee Certification Tracking

Whether you're tracking lifeguards' CPR certifications or hiring a new truck driver in need of a CDL, staying on top of certifications is a key part of running an effective workplace.
7 min read | November 15, 2017

Make it Simple for Students to Max Out Their Work Study Budgets

Did you know that roughly 700,000 students receive federal work-study subsidies each year? That's 1 in every 10 full-time, first-year undergraduates. And with an annual cost of about $1 billion,...
7 min read | November 8, 2017

21 Must Have Higher Education Apps

Higher education is all about learning.
6 min read | November 6, 2017

Everything You Need to Know About Scheduling Millennials

Whether you manage a downtown coffee shop, run a community library or supervise the volunteers for a city's annual marathon, chances are you employ at least a few 18-to-34 years olds. If you don't ...
6 min read | November 2, 2017

5 Ways to Foster Positive Work Ethic in the Workplace

Beyond the obvious business issues of employees who show up late, leave early, and don't accomplish their tasks, is the fact that their poor work ethic forces everyone else to step up. This can...
7 min read | November 2, 2017

10 Types of Workplace Culture: Which is Best for YOUR Business?

Company culture stems from management, then rolls on down through the ranks. As such, much of a company's culture takes care of itself. If you make smart managerial decisions and hire the people you...
6 min read | October 30, 2017

The Case for Updating Employee Availability More Frequently

Updating employee availability often is one of the best ways to avoid scheduling headaches.
6 min read | October 26, 2017

The Essential Guide to Managing Shift Swaps

If you're a manager, giving your employees the ability to swap and trade shifts is an important way to save you time (and sanity).
6 min read | October 25, 2017

Prepare Your Team For Success With These 8 Employee Onboarding Best Practices

When you hire that perfect someone for a vacant role you feel a well-earned sense of victory. But getting someone to sign on the dotted line is only step one in the employee onboarding process.
6 min read | October 23, 2017

And the Perfect Corporate Team Building Game Is... Jenga

Yup, you read that right.
6 min read | October 18, 2017

5 Human Resources Mistakes Made by Small Businesses (and How to Fix Them)

There are a number of reasons small businesses struggle with human resources.
4 min read | October 4, 2017

More Bang for Your Buck: Maximizing the Value of Open Availability

Job descriptions for roles ranging from baristas to bookkeepers stress in bold, underlined, or italicized statements that open availability is a welcomed sight (if not a requirement) for all...
5 min read | October 2, 2017

5 Crucial Features Your Employee Scheduling App Needs to Have

Finding the best scheduling app to manage your employees with can feel a bit like looking for a quarter at the bottom of a sack of dirty laundry: there's a whole bunch of junk to sift through.
5 min read | September 28, 2017

3 Keys to Creating a Work Schedule That... Works

Creating a work schedule is a daunting, thankless chore.
8 min read | September 27, 2017

7 Ways to Improve Employee Accountability in the Workplace

Regardless of organization or industry, accountability in the workplace is critical to the success of your employees and your business.